Types of Lawyers in India

20 Types of Lawyers in India: Job Roles, Salary, Career 

There are a lot of different job paths you can take as a lawyer in India. Different types of lawyers specialize in different areas of the law. Each type of lawyer specializes in a different area of the law and offers clients or groups their unique knowledge. Knowing these different kinds can help people make smart choices about their legal needs or pick a specialization that fits their job goals.

If you want to become a lawyer or need legal help, you should know about the different types of lawyers in India, what they do, how much they get paid, and how far they can go in the Indian legal system.

There are different kinds of lawyers in India. This section will discuss their jobs and responsibilities, possible salary ranges for each specialization, and the room for growth and development in these areas. People can get a sense of the legal profession in India by learning about the different types of jobs offered in the country’s jurisdictions.

How Many Types of Lawyers Are There In India?

India boasts a diverse array of legal professionals, each specializing in distinct areas of law. Here are a few types of lawyers in India and why they might be so popular.

1. Civil Lawyer

A civil lawyer deals with cases involving injuries, family issues, jobs, and real estate. As part of their work, they also work with business and government organizations. Civil fights are usually about people, their relationships with each other, and disagreements over property. A civil lawyer’s main job is to help people who are having problems or differences work things out.

2. Criminal Lawyer

Criminal lawyers’ job is to either bring charges against people suspected of committing crimes or protect those people. They are responsible for doing in-depth research and case analysis to guess what might happen, developing strong defense strategies for the court, helping clients understand the law and their legal options, and working to resolve legal matters quickly and favorably.

Different types of lawyers work in different parts of the criminal justice system in India. Some of these are:

a) The Public Prosecutors

Public Prosecutors are in charge of defending the government in criminal court and prosecuting people accused of crimes. As part of their job, they have to present all the necessary evidence and facts in court so that people are found guilty.

b) Defense Attorneys

Defense attorneys represent people who are accused of crimes in criminal court. Lawyers who defend people gather proof, talk to witnesses, and make strong cases in court while representing their clients.

c) Bail Lawyers

Bail lawyers work hard to ensure their clients are free on bail until their hearing because they specialize in releasing people facing criminal charges.

d) Juvenile Lawyers

As their main job is to defend minors accused of crimes, juvenile lawyers try to get the best possible outcome for their clients by ensuring they are treated fairly in court.

e) Plea Bargain Lawyers

These lawyers work out plea deals with attorneys so their clients don’t get as harsh charges or sentences.

f) Appeals Lawyers

In appellate courts, lawyers representing people accused of a crime try to get their clients a fair trial and fix any mistakes in the first trial.

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3. Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers are experts in business law and ensure that all business deals follow the corporation’s rules. They usually work for law companies or a company’s legal department and do various tasks. 

These include writing up important legal documents for trials and court cases, evaluating possible business partnerships with vendors and subcontractors, representing the company in court cases, coming up with and keeping an eye on the company’s legal stance, and keeping the company safe from legal risks and violations.

In India’s legal system, expert lawyers handle different parts of business and corporate matters. Included in these groups are:

a) Corporate Litigation Lawyers

Lawyers specializing in corporate cases help businesses go to court as plaintiffs or defendants. They know how to handle many disputes arising from contracts, trademark and copyright infringement, and shareholder differences.

b) Corporate Transactions Lawyers

Corporate transactions lawyers help businesses with the complicated legal parts of business deals like mergers, acquisitions, joint partnerships, and other smart groupings. They are good at writing and reviewing the legal papers for these deals.

c) Corporate Governance Lawyers

Attorneys specializing in corporate governance help businesses follow the rules regarding their organizational structure, board of directors, and financial reports.

d) Intellectual Property Lawyers

Intellectual property law experts help businesses protect and enforce their intellectual property rights, including patents, logos, copyrights, and trade secrets.

f) Compliance Lawyers

Lawyers specializing in compliance help businesses follow their field’s laws, rules, and standards. As part of their job, they must make and follow rules and instructions to ensure strong compliance systems.

4. Family lawyers

A family lawyer is a qualified lawyer who helps families work out their differences. They handle issues connected to divorce, adoption, guardianship, and becoming an adult. They oversee family estates, watch mediation meetings, and give legal advice.

Here is a list of the different kinds of family law lawyers in India. 

a) Marriage Lawyers

In India, marriage lawyers oversee all the legal parts of weddings. This includes registering a marriage, writing up marriage contracts and deals, and overseeing the divorce process. These lawyers also explain the parties’ rights and duties before and after marriage.

b) Divorce Lawyers

Divorce lawyers are experts at handling the divorce process. As part of their job, they must make and file all the divorce-related paperwork, like divorce applications and decisions. They give legal advice to everyone involved and help people negotiate the terms of the divorce deal.

c) Child Custody Lawyers

In India, child custody lawyers handle cases about who gets to keep and see a child. They help both parents figure out problems like child custody and visitation rights. In addition, these lawyers look out for the child’s best interests in court, ensuring that the child’s well-being comes first.

d) Property Lawyers

In India, property lawyers take care of many legal parts of property. This includes filling out forms to register property, making deals to buy and sell property, and settling disagreements about who owns the property. They also advise on inheritance tax, property tax, and other important problems.

e) Paternity Lawyers

Family lawyers are lawyers who only deal with family issues. In addition to applying for paternity tests, writing formal documents about a child’s paternity, and speaking up for the child in court, this is part of their job.

5. Tax Lawyers

Tax lawyers help their clients settle disagreements about taxes. They might also work for the government or as in-house lawyers for businesses. They are legally required to look at the seller’s debts, liabilities, finances, and assets to figure out how to structure the purchase and sale of a business. They also have to keep an eye on changes in the law and let clients know how new laws might affect their businesses and finances, among other things.

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6. Intellectual Property Lawyer

Intellectual property lawyers do many things, such as writing contracts and non-disclosure agreements that protect their client’s intellectual property rights, going to court when necessary, and making settlements with the other side’s lawyers on their client’s behalf.

7. Cyber Lawyers

Cyber lawyers deal with cyber crimes like software piracy, hacking, cracking, credit card fraud, malfunctioning viruses, cyber-attacks & threats, etc. The main function of cyber lawyers is to investigate a security breach violation, formulate reports to document security breaches and the degree of damage caused, etc.

8. Environment Lawyers

Environmental lawyers ensure that people and businesses follow the rules about the climate. Environmental lawyers have many tasks to do, such as writing contracts and business agreements like leases, licenses, purchase agreements, and partnership agreements; talking to clients and witnesses about case details and strategies; and, when environmental damage claims are involved, negotiating settlements on behalf of their clients.

9. Estate Planning Lawyer

These lawyers have been practicing law for a long time and are licensed. They know all the state and federal laws affecting how your estate will be valued, distributed, and taxed after your death. An estate planning attorney can help you make a will, name your beneficiaries, set up a durable power of attorney and a medical durable power of attorney, find ways to lower or avoid estate tax, avoid probate court, and more. They can also teach you about the probate process.

10. Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

Worker’s compensation lawyers help people in court disputes about injuries they got on the job, such as workers and companies. Worker’s compensation lawyers may be asked to fight for a wounded worker who wants to be fairly compensated, or they may be asked to defend companies when someone is trying to cheat the system and get benefits. 

In addition, they may help clients by giving them legal advice to help them decide if they should go to court or try to work out a deal with the other side. Change these paragraphs.

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11. Public Interest Lawyers

Public interest lawyers work on various civil rights issues, mainly those involving discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, gender issues, and the rights of people with disabilities, which can include both mental and physical disabilities. They can also take action against violations of human rights. 

Public interest lawyers also fight for people being evicted or homeless, for fair pay and easy access to government benefits, and for problems at work. People who are dealing with domestic abuse, family law, or immigration issues, as well as people who are in court, including those who are on probation or who are currently in jail, look to public interest lawyers for help and advice.

12. Medical malpractice lawyer

A medical malpractice lawyer helps people hurt because of mistakes made by doctors, nurses, dentists, therapists, technicians, and other medical experts and healthcare providers. Some of these mistakes are surgery errors, birth trauma, injuries from the wrong kind of treatment, wrong diagnoses, treatment delays that aren’t necessary, or not getting a patient’s proper permission for treatment.

13. Mergers and acquisition lawyers

Lawyers specializing in mergers and acquisitions are essential to business deals because they handle many tasks. Some of these are writing up important contracts everyone must agree to, negotiating to get the best terms, and ensuring that papers are signed and filed correctly. 

Some deals may also need to be approved by regulatory authorities or other government bodies. Lawyers specializing in mergers and acquisitions deal with various legal problems, such as human resources, finances, taxes, government rules, intellectual property, liability, etc.

14. Bankruptcy Lawyer

Bankruptcy lawyers are experts at using the court system to help their clients get rid of or reduce their debts, file for bankruptcy, or go after people who owe them money. They can help people or companies and work for debtors, creditors, creditors’ committees, or bankruptcy trustees. 

There are things that bankruptcy lawyers do in and out of court as part of their jobs. They may devise plans to restructure debts to help debtors pay off their debts or actively go after debtors to get as much money back as possible for creditors.

15. Securities Lawyer

Securities lawyers help people with their legal issues when they deal with stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and other financial assets. Their work has three major areas: transactional practice, regulatory practice, and litigation. Securities lawyers are often essential in business deals like going public for the first time, selling securities privately, issuing stocks or other securities, and merging with or buying another company. In addition to helping with transactions, they also help companies follow stock laws and rules, which protects consumers in the long run.

16. Military Lawyers

Military lawyers, often called Judge Advocate General (JAG) officers, help people with legal issues in the military and give information on military law to people in charge of court martials. 

Military lawyers do many of the same things civilian lawyers do, but the main difference is that they defend clients in military courts and legal matters. These officers, about the same rank as a lieutenant, know how to apply military laws. They can do everything from writing legal papers to presenting cases in military courts and tribunals.

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17. Labour Lawyers

There are different kinds of labor and work lawyers in India, each with their area of expertise. These are some of the most popular types of lawyers: 

a) Employment Lawyer

An employment lawyer focuses on labor and employment law issues and helps employers and workers with their legal needs. They can help with job contracts, ensuring laws that protect workers’ rights are followed, and how to fire someone.

b) Labor Lawyer

A labor lawyer helps employers follow labor laws and advises on labor relations problems. They represent labor organizations and their members in collective bargaining and other labor disputes.

c) Employment Rights Lawyer

A lawyer specializing in employment rights helps workers who have been discriminated against or fired unfairly by giving them information on filing complaints and taking legal action against their employers.

d) Labor Relations Lawyer

A labor relations lawyer helps employers follow labor laws and represents labor groups and members in collective bargaining and other labor disputes. They also advise on labor relations problems.

e) Workplace Safety Lawyer

A workplace safety lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in health and safety issues at work. They can give you help and represent you in court. As a result, they help companies understand safety rules and ensure they are followed.

f) Employment Benefits Lawyer

An employment benefits lawyer helps companies follow benefits laws and oversee benefits plans. They do this by giving legal advice and representation on health insurance and retirement plans.

18. Contract Lawyer

Contract lawyers are experts at writing and reviewing legal agreements for people and businesses. A wide range of business contracts are easy to handle, including nondisclosure agreements, sales agreements, hiring contracts, partnership agreements, and joint venture agreements. In the same way, they are also good at personal contracts, such as power of attorney documents, residential leases, and deals for buying homes.

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19. Government Lawyers

A lawyer who works for the government is often called a “government lawyer.” These licensed lawyers help government officials and administrative staff with legal issues. Lawyers who work for the government have many duties, such as prosecuting criminals, making rules, advising local governments, and dealing with policy problems. 

In addition to giving legal advice to government officials on various problems, they also represent the government in court. As part of their job, they also help different parts of the government while following local and city laws.

20. Immigration Lawyers

Immigrant lawyers are vital because they help clients with legal and illegal immigrant issues. As part of their many duties, they help people meet the legal requirements to get work permits and different types of visas, such as medical, tourist, and business visas. People from other countries who aren’t sure if they are Indian citizens or need visas to enter the country can get help from these lawyers.

Salary of Different Types of Lawyers in India

Everyone in the legal field wants to know, “How much does the job pay?” Let’s reveal the pay secrets of Indian lawyers in different areas of law and tell you what these smart lawyers make.

Getting Specific How Much Do Different Types of Lawyers in India Make? 

After getting your LLB, you must decide what law to practice. When you work hard as a lawyer, you can make good money from clients, even though there isn’t a set pay. In the table below, you can see the average pay for lawyers in different fields:

Type of LawyerSalary per annum (approximate)
Criminal Lawyer₹9 LPA
Environmental lawyers₹8 LPA
Family lawyers₹5.6 LPA
Corporate lawyers₹10 LPA
Civil lawyers₹12.5 LPA
Intellectual property lawyers₹12 LPA
Tax lawyer₹12 LPA
Cyber lawyers₹7 LPA
Estate planning lawyers₹6 LPA
Worker’s compensation lawyer₹9 LPA
Public interest lawyers₹5 LPA
Medical malpractice lawyers₹10 LPA
Merger and acquisition lawyer₹8 LPA
Labor lawyers₹6 LPA

Government Lawyer Salary In India

A Government of India advocate makes an average of ₹2.6 lakhs a year in public service, depending on their years of experience. Advocates at the Government of India make between ₹1.0 lakhs and ₹4.4 lakhs a year, which shows how dedicated they are to doing what’s right.

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There are many different types of lawyers in India, and each one helps with different parts of the complicated law web. Corporate litigators handle complicated lawsuits, and immigration lawyers make it easier for people and businesses to move around. These lawyers are essential for keeping justice and following the law. 

The different pay ranges show the wide range of legal specializations, and the breadth of each field shows how important these professionals are in a society that is always changing. India is making progress, and more lawyers are needed. This means all lawyers are significant to the country’s legal system.

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