Important Legal Maxims For CLAT 2025

Important Legal Maxims For CLAT 2025 & Law Students

Legal maxims, expressed in Latin form, are a lawman’s language. Judiciaries or jurists in law promote legal maxims when pronouncing a judgment to make a connected judgment for the proceedings. In law, precedent case laws prevail over the current proceedings of any ongoing case. Therefore, these legal maxims are keywords to an advocate.

Therefore, CLAT 2025 aspirants must also learn these terms to understand a question precisely and score well in the exam. This article lists common legal maxims for CLAT exam preparation that a candidate must undergo in the remaining days. 

Law Legal Maxim Meaning

A legal maxim is a legal idea, proposal, or doctrine, usually expressed in Latin. Most of these legal maxims originated from the Medieval era in European states that employed Latin as their official language.

  • These principles aid courts worldwide in implementing current laws fairly and justly, allowing them to resolve disputes before them.
  • Such principles do not have legal authority, but when courts use them in deciding legal matters or the legislature adopts them in enacting legislation, they take on the form of law and serve as the foundation for sound judgments.

Importance of Legal Maxims of Law

Candidates appearing for law entrance exams must learn legal maxims. They must note that legal maxims are one of the most critical topics in legal aptitude. The legal maxim questions are customarily asked under Legal Knowledge. In the CLAT exam 2025, you can expect 3-4 questions on this topic. 

Important Legal Maxims of Law

Below is a list of the top Important Legal Maxims for CLAT:

A vinculo matrimoniFrom the bond of matrimony
Ab extraFrom outside
Pacta sunt servandaTreaties are legally binding
Absoluta sententia expositore non indigetAn absolute judgment doesn’t need expositor
Abundans cautela non nocetAbundant caution does not harm
Accessorium non ducit sed sequitur suum principaleAccessory doesn’t draw, but follows its principal
Accessorius sequiturA man who is an accessory to the crime can’t be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender.
Ab initioFrom the beginning
Actus Curiae Neminem GravabitAct of a court shall prejudice no one
Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit ReaIntent and act both must concur to constitute the crime
Audi Alterem PartemNo man shall be condemned unheard
Actori incumbit onus probandiBurden of proof lies on the plaintiff
Actus ReusA guilty deed or act 
Ad hocFor the particular end or case at hand
Benignae faciendae sunt interpretationes chartarum, ut res magis valeat quam pereatLiberal constructions and interpretations are different, so they have an effect rather than fail
Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionemIt’s part of a good judge to enlarge his jurisdiction, i.e., remedial authority
Bis dat qui cito datHe gives twice who gives quickly
Bona fideIn good faith
CaveatCaution registered with the public court indicating to the officials that they cannot act in the matter mentioned in the caveat without first providing notice to the caveator.
Caveat actorLet the doer beware
Caveat emptorLet the buyer beware
Caveat venditorLet the seller beware
CertiorariA writ through which orders passed by a lower court are quashed
Consensus ad idemAgreement to the same thing (Meeting of mind)
Communis hostis omniumThey are common enemies of all. The common enemy of everyone. Read with section 4(2) of IPC
Corpus delictiThe facts and circumstances that make up a crime and Concrete evidence of a crime, like a corpse (dead body).
Cy presAs nearly as may be practicable / possible.
ChampertyFinancial help is given to a person starting a proceeding against a party, where the person offering help has a share in the damages to be recovered.
De Facto Existing in actuality, especially when contrary to or not established by law
De Minimis Non Curat LexLaw does not concern itself with trifles
Dominus LitisOwner of riot
Donatio Mortis CausaA gift in anticipation of death
Damnum sine injuriaDamage without legal injury
Debitum in praesenti, solvendum in futuroDebt in the present, to be paid in Future
De bonis non administratisOf goods not administered
De die in diemFrom day to day
De jureIn accordance with the law
De novoStart afresh
Debile fundamentum fallit opusWhere there’s a weak foundation, the work fails
Debita sequuntur personam debitoriaDebts follows the person of the debtor
Debitor non praesumitur donareDebtor is not presumed to make a gift
Dies Dominicus non est juridicusSunday isn’t a day in law
Discretio est discernere per legem quid sit justumDiscretion is to discern by law what is just
Doli incapaxIncapable of crime
DubitanteDoubting the correctness of the decision.
De bonis asportatisOf goods carried away
Ex injuria jus non oriturLaw (or right) does not arise from injustice
EstoppelPrevented from denying
Ex gratiaAs favor
Ex officioBecause of an office held
Ex parteProceeding in the absence of the other party.
Ex post factoOut of the aftermath. Or After the fact
Ex turpi causa non oritur actioNo action arises on an immoral contract
Expressio unius est exclusion alteriusThe mention that one thing is incorporated implies that another thing is excluded
Ex injuria jus non oriturLaw (or right) does not arise from injustice
FatumBeyond human foresight
Fait accompliThings over and no longer arguing against. An accomplished act.
Factum probandaFact in issue that is to be proved
Factum probansRelevant fact.
Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant Fraud and justice never stay together
Habeas CorpusYou have the body
Ipse DixitHe himself said it
Ignorantia legis neminem excusatIgnorance of law is not an excuse
Injuria sine damnoInjury without damage
Interest reipublicae ut sit finis litiumState, or public interest need that there must be a limit to litigation
Injuria sine damnoViolation of a legal right without harming
Ipso factoBy the nature of the case; by the mere fact
In promptIn readiness
In posseIn a state of possibility
In limineInitial stage; at the outset
In lieu ofInstead of
Inter aliaAmong other things
Inter seAmong themselves
In speceIn kind
Inter vivosBetween living persons
Intra viresWithin the powers
Id or idemSame thing or the same person
InnuendoSpoken words that are defamatory since they have a double meaning
In status quoIn the present state
IntestateTo die without making a will
Leges Posteriores Priores Contrarias AbrogantLater laws repeal earlier laws inconsistent therewith
Lis pendensA pending suit
Lex Non Cogit Ad ImpossibliaThe law does not compel a person to do that which he cannot possibly perform
Locus standiRight to be heard
Lex foriLaw of the place where the cases are heard
Lex loci actusLaw of the place where the act took place
Mala in seBad in themselves
MandamusA order or writ issued from a court of superior jurisdiction that commands an inferior court to perform, or refrain from carrying a particular act, the performance of which is required by law as an obligation.
Mala fideIn bad faith
Mens reaGuilty state of mind
Modus operandiWay of working
Ignorantia Facti Excusat, Ignorantia Juris Non ExcusatIgnorance of facts can be excused. Still, not ignorance of law
Impotentia Excusat LegemImpossibility excuses the law
In lieu ofInstead of
Jus in personamRight against a particular person
Jus in remRight against the world at large
Jus non scriptumUnwritten law; Customary Law
Jus scriptumWritten Law
JetsamCargo thrown off a sinking ship.
JusLaw or right
JuratWords at the end of an affidavit show the details of when and by whom it was sworn
Lex MercatoriaThe law merchant, a body of legal principles. It is founded on the customs of merchants in their dealings with one another, and though at first distinct from the common law, it later became incorporated into it.
Nulla poena sine legeEvery criminal law has to fulfill all the qualifications
Modus OperandiMethod of working
Res Ipsa LoquiturThing speaks for itself
Falsus in uno falsus in omnibusMeaning false in one thing, false in everything. Check under section 16 of the Indian Evidence Act. This maxim is unfollowed in India, as held in the case of Anr and Suchita Singh vs. the State of Punjab and Ors (2015)
Functus officio No longer having power or jurisdiction
Ex officioBecause of an office held
Jus naturaleNatural law. Or, a system of law based on fundamental ideas of correct and wrong that is natural law
Sub SilentioWhen a rule or principle on a certain point of law in a decision is passed and applied by the court without any consideration to the applicable law or any argument
Pendente liteDuring Litigation
Cognovit actionemOne has confessed the action
Quantum MeritAs much as deserved
Obiter dictaThings which are said in passing
Obiter dictumA saying by the way. An incidental opinion
Actio Personalis Moritur Cum PersonaPersonal right of action dies with the person
Amicus curieA friend of the court
Quo WarrantoBy what authority. A write calling one to show under what authority he holds public office
QuantumHow much, an amount
Qui facit per alium, facit per seHe who acts through other acts himself
Pari passuWith an equal step
Actori incumbit onus probandiActor rests the burden of proof or The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff
Actus me invito, non est meus actusAct done by me against my will is not my act
Post mortemAfter death
Impotentia Excusat LegemInability excuses the law
Factum ValetAn act that should not be done is valid when it is done
Prima FacieBased on the first impression
Per incurieamBecause of lack of care
Jus Cogens A compelling law
Jus ad remRight to the point
Parens PatriaeDoctrine of parens patriae is a doctrine where a state has third-party standing to bring a lawsuit on citizen behalf
Pro rataIn proportion
Prior tempore potior iure / lex posteriorEarlier in time, stronger in law
Locus StandiRight of a party to appear and be heard before a court of law or to institute a suit or an action before the court.
Dominus LitusThe person to whom a suit belongs
Stricto SensuIn the narrow sense
Mutatis Mutandis The necessary changes
Nemo Debet Esse Judex in Propria Sua CausaNo man is judge in his case. No one ought to be a judge in his own cause
Nemobis punitur poreo dem delictoNo one will be punished twice for the same crime or offence
Nemo Debet Bis Vexari Pro Una Et Eadem CausaA man will not be vexed twice for the same cause 
Nova Constitutio Futuris Formam Imponere Debet, Non PraeteritisA current law ought to be prospective and not retrospective, in operation. 
Qui Facit Per Alium Facit Per SeHe who acts by/ through another acts for himself
DictumStatement of law made by the judge during the decision but not necessary to the decision itself
DetinueTort of wrongfully holding goods belonging to someone else
Quid pro quoWhat for what or Something for something.  
Res IntegraA complete thing, an entirely new or untouched matter.
Furious absentis loco estA madman is one who is absent. Read with section 84 of IPC.
Res JudicataA thing adjudged
Mens reaGuilty mind
JusLaw or right
Mala fideIn bad faith
Nemo Potest esse tenens et dominusNobody can be a landlord and a tenant of the same property.
Suppressio Veri or Suggestio FalsiConcealment of truth or a statement of falsehood. 
Ubi Jus Ibi RemediumThere is no wrong without a remedy. Wherever there is a right, there is a remedy. 
Uberrimae fideOf utmost good faith; of the intact confidence
Ubi Non Est Principalis Non Potest Esse AccessoriusWhere there’s no principal, no accessory
Volenti Non Fit InjuriaTo the consenting, no injury is done. 
Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura sub veniuntLaw aids the vigilant, but not the dormant. Or law aid those who are vigilant, not those who sleep upon/ over their rights
A verbis legis non recedendum est.From the words of the law, there must be no departure
Vis majorAct of God; irresistible forces
NovationTransaction where a new contract is agreed upon by all parties to replace a current contract.
Lex Fori The law of the country. It means the law of evidence is the law of the land where court proceedings are taken
Malum prohibitumOpposite of Malum in se. Its meaning is crimes are criminal not because they are inherently bad, but since the act is prohibited by the law of the state
Res ipsa loquitorThe thing speaks for itself
ReIn the matter of
Res SubjudiceMatter in the course of trial
Respondeat superiorLet the principal answer
Suo MotuOn its own motion
SecusThe legal position is different, it is otherwise
Sine dieWith no day (indefinitely)
Stare decisisTo stand by decisions (precedents)
Talis qualisSuch as it is
Per seBy itself
VerbatimWord by word, exactly
Vi et armisWith the force and arms
VoidOf no legal effect
Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniuntLaw serves the vigilant, not those who sleep.
UltraviresOutside the powers
WaiverVoluntarily giving up or removing the conditions
Judex non petest esse testis in propira causeJudge cannot be a witness in his own cause
Judicium non debet esse illusionism, suum effectum habere debetJudgment ought not to be illusory; it ought to have its proper effect.
Jura na turae sunt immutabiliaThe laws of natural justice is immutable
VexatiousAnnoying, done to annoy
VetoBan or order not to allow something to become law, even if it is passed by a parliament
Vice versaReverse position
Vis majorAct of God; irresistible forces
Ultra viresBeyond the scope, power or authority
PalimonyMoney which a court orders a man to pay regularly to a woman with whom he is living and from whom he has separated
Prima facieAt first sight; on the face of it
Per seBy itself; taken alone
MonfeasanceNot doing something which should be done by law
LisA suit legal action
Laissez-fairePolitical theory where a government does nothing to control the.
A prioriFrom the antecedent to the consequent
MisnomerA wrong or inaccurate name or term
Sans recoursWith no recourse
Dies nonThe day on which no legal business is transacted. E.g., National holiday, Bank holiday

Also Read: How to Prepare for CLAT Exam 2025? (Experts Tips & Tricks)

Steps to Learn CLAT Legal Maxims

The syllabus for Judiciary exams is vast, and learning Legal Maxims for Judicial Exams can sometimes become difficult. So, to ensure that you do not forget these important Legal Maxims, follow the tips given below:

  • Make a chart or sheet of all the important Legal Maxims for Judicial Exams and paste it on a wall in your study room.
  • Revise thrice a week so they stay on the top of your head for your Judiciary Exams.
  • Practice Questions based on Legal Maxims to better command them.
  • Making notes will help you memorize Legal Maxims for Judicial Exams better.
  • You can search for online sources for Important Legal Maxims for CLAT 2025 that guide you to helpful sources to complete the CLAT related to legal maxims. Make notes for all of them.

Books to Prepare Legal Maxims for CLAT 2025

Here is a list of books to prepare for Legal Maxims for law students to make section-wise preparation effective.

Books NameAuthor Name
A Selection of Legal MaximsHerbert Broom
Legal Maxims with Observations and CasesGeorge Frederick Wharton
Broom’s Legal MaximsRupin Pawha
Legal Maxims for CLATKanoon Prakashak Agency
CLAT Online Coaching 2025CLAT Study MaterialCLAT Mock Test


Legal Maxims for Judicial exams are easy to learn when you start making notes and focusing on the tips given above. The revision will keep you ahead in your preparation; therefore, keep revising frequently. The maxims given above hold a lot of importance concerning your Judiciary exam. 

For CLAT candidates, it is essential to be familiar with key legal adages and expressions since they serve as the basis for legal analysis and judgment. Remember that understanding and familiarity with legal adages and expressions are helpful for the CLAT and highly valued in the legal profession.  

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