How to Prepare for Judiciary Exam 2024?

How to Prepare for Judiciary Exam 2024? Full Strategy

Judiciary exams are among the most privileged and prestigious examinations in the country. A law graduate who qualifies for the exam will be appointed as a member of the subordinate judiciary. But is it possible to crack the judiciary? If yes, what strategies can the candidate follow while preparing for the exam?

Although there’s no thumb rule for this, numerous aspirants ace judicial services exams without coaching also, with hard work, and dedication. We are not justifying the need for mentorship; even the best athletes need a coach. Check out what candidates must do to crack the judicial services exams. 

Understanding Judiciary Exams

Judiciary exams in India are competitive examinations conducted at the state and national levels to recruit candidates for judicial services, such as Civil Judges or Judicial Magistrates. These exams assess candidates’ knowledge of various legal subjects, including constitutional law, civil and criminal procedure, and evidence law. The selection process typically includes a preliminary examination, a main examination, and a personal interview or viva voce.

States Conducting Judicial Service Examination

Judiciary exams in India are conducted differently by each state. In total, 24 states in India conduct Judicial Service examinations nearly every year. These are as mentioned below:

Arunachal PradeshChattisgarhHimachal PradeshJharkhand
Madhya PradeshMizoramPunjabAssam
Jammu & KashmirKeralaManipurOdisha
SikkimUttarakhandUttar PradeshWest Bengal

Each state has eligibility criteria for the judiciary exam regarding age limit, number of attempts, official language, etc.

Also Read: Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) Syllabus 2023: Full Syllabus PDF

Judiciary Exam Selection Process

Before preparing for the judiciary exams, it is vital for the selection process that every state follows to appoint candidates. The judiciary exam is conducted in 3 phases:

  • The first phase is a preliminary examination, qualifying in nature. The questions asked in the exam are of an objective type. The marks scored by the aspirant in the prelim exam aren’t considered in the final merit list.
  • Candidates qualifying for the preliminary Judiciary exams are called for the Mains examination, which will be subjective. The marks of the leading exam are calculated for the merit list.
  • The final and third stage of the Judiciary exams is the Viva-voice or interview round. This test examines candidates’ general knowledge, personality, and intelligence. 

Pre-requisites for Judiciary Preparation

To prepare for any state judiciary, you must have a few prerequisites for smooth practice. Divide your preparation into three levels:


  • Begin your prelim preparation by reading and making notes directly from Bare Acts, the primary preparation material for all Judiciary aspirants.
  • Refrain from overloading yourself with too many resources to start your preparation. Rely on the notes you make from your classes and Bare Act.
  • Most of the questions in the prelims examination are asked directly from the Bare Acts.
  • Solve as many bare-act-based questions from the previous year’s question papers to test your preparation level.
  • Clearing the prelims is important to get shortlisted for Mains.


  • The preparation for the Judicial Services Examination is mainly exam-focused because it is the most crucial step in the process.
  • Your Mains exam preparation can include reference books and getting into depth because Mains test your concepts, answer writing skills, and knowledge depth.
  • With a basic understanding of Bare Acts, boost your preparation by studying from reference books.
  • Improve conceptual knowledge by referring to the top Judiciary examination books. 

Personal Interview

  • As a beginner, you will always worry about the interview, but understand it is the last stage. Focus on clearing other stages before that.
  • This level tests your knowledge and confidence.
  • From day one, start working on your personality to clear this level.
  • Interviewers test your knowledge, presence of mind, personality, and decision-making skills.
  • Be presentable and calm yet attentive during the interview process.
  • Having a good command of your communication skills will be highly advantageous during this examination stage.
  • The aspirants who clear this stage are selected as Judicial Officers.

Judiciary Preparation

In law schools, the candidates should focus on essential topics from the point of view of the judicial services examination. This saves a lot of time for students while preparing. Judiciary is the highest wing, which makes it a highly respectable job. 

Only candidates clearing the preliminary exam are eligible for the Main exam. The final mark list considers the Main exam and the interview scores. The examination pattern and syllabus of the Judiciary exam vary from one state to another.

Also Read: Online RJS Coaching: 6 Best Institutes & Classes for 2024

How to Prepare for the Judiciary Exam 2024?

There are several ways to start preparing for the Judiciary Services examination. Candidates can check how to prepare for judiciary exams from the given below:

1. Understand the exam pattern

  • Familiarize yourself with the exam structure, including the preliminary and main exams.
  • Know the syllabus thoroughly, covering constitutional law, procedural laws, and current affairs.

2. Collect study materials

  • Gather relevant books, study guides, and reference materials.
  • Make use of online resources and previous year’s question papers for practice.

3. Create study plan

  • Organize your study schedule with dedicated time slots for each subject.
  • Set realistic study goals and milestones to track your progress.

4. Revise regularly

  • Revise consistently to reinforce your understanding of important topics.
  • Create concise notes to aid in quick revision.

5. Mock tests

  • Take regular mock tests to simulate exam conditions.
  • Examine your performance to identify areas that require improvement.

6. Legal current affairs

  • Stay updated with recent legal developments and current affairs.
  • This is a crucial aspect of the exam; being well-informed will give you an edge.

7. Legal aptitude

  • Improve your legal reasoning and analytical skills.
  • Solve legal reasoning questions and practice case analysis.

8. Time management

  • Develop efficient time management skills during the exam.
  • Allocate time wisely to different sections.

9. Stay healthy

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a healthy eating plan and regular exercise.
  • Ensure adequate sleep to stay alert during study and exam hours.

10. Seek guidance

  • Consider joining a reputed coaching institute for guidance and mock tests.
  • Connect with mentors or senior candidates who have successfully cleared the exam.

Also Read: Upcoming Judiciary Exams 2024 (All States PCS J Exams)

Key Aspects of the Judiciary Exam

Below are the important subjects to give importance to, along with law subjects:

General Knowledge and Language

  • GK consists of static GK, which involves different sub-topics like science, history, and geography. Also, it includes state-level GK for a few states.
  • Follow the model of the state’s previous year’s papers to understand GK questions. 
  • Refer to Judiciary exam GK preparation tips to understand what to study and prepare. 

Current Affairs

  • Another important topic in the GK section.
  • Along with static GK, be well-prepared for Current Affairs. 
  • Reading newspapers is one of the best recommended methods to stay up-to-date about the latest issues happening across the globe.

Judgment Writing

  • Some states follow a set pattern for judgment writing in the examination, while others don’t.
  • Go through the respective state judiciary carefully and prepare accordingly. 
  • Follow expert-designed tips and tricks on preparing for judgment writing in the Judiciary exam. 


  • This is also state-specific. So, know if the state asks for translation in the examination and prepare accordingly. 

Preparation for Judiciary: Target State

Before you prepare for the examination, as a beginner, fix a target state and stick to it. Every state has a different pattern and syllabus, and by selecting a target state, you get confidence in clearing the exam. 

  • State-Specific Approach – Target 2-3 states. Prepare only for that. Don’t go by the vacancy number. Focus on clearing any of the targeted state-specific exams.
  • Preparing for State-Specific Law – Some states have certain laws. While preparing for a particular state, ensure you know the local and certain laws you must prepare for. 

Hence, these must be your methods to prepare. Ensure that you focus on reaching the target with the right strategy.

Also Read: How to Prepare for Judiciary Exam 2024? Full Strategy

Steps to Complete Revision for Judiciary Exams

The last stage to success is revision, which is vital as you can revise all the topics you have studied earlier. 

Revise each subject 3 to 4 times. To have more time, try to finish your first round of studying the topics at least 2 or 3 months before the exam. Use your notes and bare acts for your revision during your Judiciary exam preparation.


Remember, consistency and perseverance are key. Stay focused, stay motivated, and keep your eyes on the goal. Utilize your time to revise every concept from each subject. Also, most importantly, solve previous year’s papers regularly to boost your confidence. Practice as much as possible, and solve at least 300-400 questions daily in the last 45 days of your preparation. 

With dedication and the right approach, you can crack the Judiciary exams and embark on a rewarding legal career. Good luck!

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