How to Prepare for CLAT Exam

How to Prepare for CLAT Exam 2025? (Experts Tips & Tricks)

Practice, solving sample papers, and theoretical study are all part of CLAT preparation. Planning, effort, and relentless drive are necessary to succeed in the CLAT exam. There is a need to delve deep and find valuable tips for various sections of the CLAT exam. 

To begin with, you need to learn time management well. Solve numerical problems up to class 12 level, focus on legal aptitude. Be up-to-date with current affairs and static General Knowledge. Refrain from wasting time on a single question in case you are stuck. Assess your performance periodically. Aim to be accurate in solving mathematical problems. Ameliorate your language and prepare well for English comprehension.

Almost every aspirant who aims to study law at NLUs or any other prestigious university in different UG and PG programs has only one question: How to prepare for CLAT?  This blog offers comprehensive tips on preparing for CLAT, focusing on every aspect of CLAT preparation. 

Section-wise CLAT Preparation

CLAT English Section Preparation

CLAT English section assesses the candidate’s analytical, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. The questions are at a class 12 difficulty level. 

Grammar, vocabulary, antonyms/synonyms, word meanings, and idioms and phrases are some crucial areas students must focus on for CLAT English. Candidates can improvise their English vocabulary by following the CLAT preparation tips below:

English Language Questions: How do you approach this?

Given below are ways to approach the CLAT English questions section:

  • A paragraph usually has only one point. Also, there will be arguments or statements that support or refute the main premise.
  • The reader’s responsibility is to determine the significant point and which arguments or statements favor and are against it.
  • After that, concentrate on the 5Ws: Who, What, Why, When, and Where. This will аssist you in аnswering questions.
  • There will be 2 sorts of vocabulary questions: i) A word or phrase’s general meaning and ii) A word or phrase’s meaning in the passage context. To attempt such questions, read one or two lines before and after the supplied word or phrase.
  • Pay close attention to how the question is рhrаsed. To check if the reader is раying аttentiоn, the testers sоmetimes turn а bаsiс questiоn intо а соmрlex оne.
  • Improve the reading speed, assumption power, and interference skills to improve the score in this part.

Also Read: What is Good CLAT Score? Top Marks for Success

English Language Preparation Strategy

  • Students must read newspapers, editorials, and magazines daily. By reading newspaper editorials, candidates can develop opinions on a topic, which helps them understand the arguments and statements presented in the passage.
  • Students must discuss with their classmates or study groups regularly. They must discuss a specific passage from the CLAT English portion and try to figure out its central theme, arguments, and conclusions. 
  • Candidates must have a rigorous practice of English grammar questions to enhance their grammar. They can start with any class 10 grammar book, which will suffice.
  • Improving the English vocabulary takes time and effort. It can be increased by looking up the definition of any new term students come across in a book or newspaper, memorizing it with an example, and jotting it down in a book. 

CLAT Current Affairs and GK Section Preparation

Candidates must stay updated with Global and National news regularly. Listing current events, court rulings, awards, recognitions, history, art, and culture will aid them during revision.

Current Affairs and GK Questions: How do you approach this?

Given below are ways to approach CLAT Current Affairs & GK questions:

  • Since the questions could be on anything, read the entire passage thoroughly. Certain key clues may be hidden in the passage while answering questions.
  • Candidates are not evaluated on vocabulary. They must explain the meaning of some sentences related to the passage’s topic.
  • The overall goal of the CLAT is to assess the reading skills. As a result, ensure you grasp and interpret the information in the passage.

Current Affairs and GK Preparation Strategy

To keep GK and Current Affairs up to date, candidates can check out the periodicals, magazines, and apps listed below for their best CLAT preparation tips:

  • Newspapers – The Hindu, GK Today, The Telegraph, Economic Times
  • Magazines – The Chronicles, Outlook India, India Today
  • Apps – Twitter, Inshorts, Business Insider

Also Read: Best CLAT Preparation Books for 2025 Exam

CLAT Legal Reasoning Section Preparation

Legal Reasoning is one of the most essential elements of the CLAT exam and should be considered. Reading sections of about 450 words on legal issues, public policy issues, and moral philosophical inquiries will be included in this subject. 

Legal Reasoning Questions: How do you approach this?

Given below are ways to approach CLAT Legal Reasoning:

  • The questions in this section are based on news stories, law books, and passages written particularly for the exam.
  • Candidates must go deeper to identify the passage’s ideas and facts. 
  • Avoid using prior legal knowledge because the question setters do not consider candidates full-fledged lawyers. They are merely putting the candidate’s law’s practical knowledge in a constrained setting to the test.

Legal Reasoning Preparation Strategy

Candidates must improve their reading and analytical skills, which is the best method to master this section. They can follow the CLAT preparation plan outlined below:

  • They must spend two to three hours a day reading reputable newspapers, publications, and blogs about legal subjects that are both static and current topics.
  • Candidates must examine the significant cases resolved in the previous year, the new amendments and enactments passed by the legislature, and other current concerns.

CLAT Maths Section Preparation

In the Maths section, there are 13 to 17 questions. Students should have a strong base on the basic concepts from grades 11 and 12. They must practice mock tests, sample papers, and learn equations to enhance their mathematical skill. 

Students must be cautious and well-prepared because there are negative markings for incorrectly answered questions. The most essential topics that candidates in Maths must cover are ratios, introductory algebra, measurement, and statistics. 

Mathematics Questions: How do you approach this?

Given below are ways to approach CLAT 2025 Quantitative Techniques questions:

  • Legal and logical reasoning requires extensive training because most candidates are poorly equipped.
  • Solve many questions to deal with the facts and data in a passage.
  • Keep the scribbled notes page handy and organized. The answers to prior problems may be helpful to solve later questions.
  • Read the passage attentively and analyze every aspect.
  • Note that the question setters have shifted away from formula-based questions and toward logic-based ones, which means they are examining simple mathematical calculations and the ability to analyze passages and graphical data.
  • It is a more straightforward portion in comparison. Candidate should attempt to get all the answers accurate.

Mathematics Preparation Strategy

  • Refer to past question papers. Check the repeated topics. Prepare them first and then move on to the other topics.
  • Clear the concepts thoroughly so it will be easy to answer them.
  • Have a methodology in place so you don’t take more than a minute to solve one question.

CLAT Exam Preparation Strategy

Preparation for CLAT includes picking the best books, solving the previous year’s question papers, and understanding the syllabus’s depth and a properly planned schedule. 

Some of the tips are discussed below, and candidates must incorporate them in their preparation for CLAT: 

1. Time Management 

One of the significant factors that help in better results. Before planning for the examination, candidates must schedule their timings for each & every topic. They must spend 10 hours per day learning. A daily revision of at least two hours for each subject will be enough. Doing this lets them know which topic they are confident in and which they are lagging in.

2. Attempt Mock Tests

Mock tests are like sample tests before exams. It presents the scenario of the exam pattern and helps students answer all the questions within the time allotted. 

3. Solve Previous Year’s Papers

Solving previous year’s question papers helps the students analyze the questions from different topics. It provides an idea of how to enhance the ability of the students to get good marks.

Also Read: CLAT Previous Year Questions Papers With PDF (Last 5 Years)

How to Prepare for the CLAT Exam in 3 Months?

To prepare for CLAT in 3 months, candidates must be thoroughly familiar with the syllabus. They can focus more on the important topics in each subject and follow the strategy below to prepare for the CLAT exam in 3 months. 

  • Logical Reasoning
  1. Analytical Reasoning
  2. Verbal Reasoning
  • Maths
  1. Elementary Level
  • GK
  1. Static
  2. Current Affairs
  • English
  1. Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  1. Legal Aptitude

Apart from all these, candidates must devote sufficient time to revision, practicing mock and previous year papers, and reading daily newspapers to keep themselves updated with current affairs. 

How to Prepare for CLAT in 1 Month?

The weekly CLAT preparation schedule for a month is as follows:

Week 1

  • Try to improve your vocabulary and learn at least 100 new words daily.
  • Read newspapers and watch the news daily.
  • Discover and jot down the basics of every subject.
  • Solve 2-3 practice papers or mock tests every day.

Week 2

  • Analyze your performance in the mock test and practice papers and circle the weak areas. Work on the weak areas.
  • Solve 2-3 previous years’ question papers as it provides familiarity with the question type and exam pattern.
  • Keep watching and reading the news and learning new words.
  • Practice important questions from all the subjects, and remember that consistency is the key.

Week 3

  • Solve multiple mock tests, practice papers, and last year’s question papers as much as possible.
  • Identify the silly errors and blunders you are making and try to improve them for better performance in the exam.
  • Keep revisiting the notebook with important topics and formulas.
  • Watch the news daily.
  • Encourage practice.

Week 4

  • Don’t panic and focus on revision.
  • Important topics and formulas should be memorized.
  • Read the newspaper daily.
  • Try working on weak areas and going through the questions of previous years.

Also Read: CLAT Fee Structure 2024-25 (For Exam, College, Registration)

CLAT Exam Preparation Without Coaching

Preparing for the CLAT exam without coaching is challenging. But if one prepares strategically, qualifying CLAT becomes easy. Below are some tips for students preparing for CLAT 2025 without coaching:

  • When it comes down to writing a study plan, one must understand the particular exam structure and syllabus and how the paper will appear.
  • This technique assists in developing a solid preparation strategy. It will also familiarise the student with the paper and aid in analyzing and understanding the weak areas where extra effort is required.
  • Students must have monthly and weekly study plans when appearing for CLAT. The study plan should help the student to tackle all subject areas consistently. Students should also include study breaks throughout the plan to avoid burnout.
  • Candidates should practice the previous year’s CLAT question papers and try using mock tests to improve their speed and accuracy.
  • Candidates should ensure that they also pay attention to the revision of the subjects.

CLAT Preparation Tips and Tricks

1. Recognize the Exam Format and Syllabus

Understanding the CLAT test format and curriculum is essential before you start your preparation. The test comprises multiple-choice questions on English, math, logical reasoning, legal aptitude, and general knowledge. Acquire study materials following your understanding of the importance of each area.

2. Build a Study Plan

For adequate preparation, creating a study program is crucial. Spend equal amounts of time on every subject, spending more effort on areas where you need more clarification. Give yourself certain times each day, and strictly adhere to the routine. Also, remember to take frequent pauses to unwind and recharge.

3. Collect Study Materials

Spend money on high-quality study guides created especially for the CLAT exam. To comprehend the exam format and practice answering questions, consult sample papers, mock examinations, and question papers from past years. Use reliable books, websites, and coaching tools to cover the course.

4. Emphasis on Conceptual Clarity

Focus on creating a solid foundation and conceptual clarity for each subject. Start with the fundamentals and work your way up to more complex topics. To properly use these notions, one must comprehend the underlying theories and principles and practice problem-solving. By consulting reference materials or mentors for advice, you may dispel any doubts you may have along the route.

5. Improve Vocalubory and Comprehension of the Text

Reading comprehension and vocabulary are heavily emphasized in the CLAT’s English portion. To improve your reading comprehension and speed, make it a habit to read books, periodicals, and newspapers. Regularly learn new terms and how to use them, and practice answering questions that need vocabulary. Your performance in this area will be considerably improved by doing this.

6. Improve Logical Reasoning Capabilities

Another important CLAT section that evaluates your analytical and logical reasoning skills is Logical Reasoning. To hone your abilities, consistently solve various riddles, critical reasoning issues, and logical challenges. Create approaches for multiple questions to increase your capacity to analyze and resolve them effectively.

7. Mastery of the Law

The legal aptitude test measures how well you comprehend legal ideas and concepts. Build a solid foundation in various legal topics, including torts, contracts, constitutional, and criminal law. To enhance your performance in this part, consult common legal texts and historical research decisions and practice answering problems involving legal reasoning.

8. Stay Up-to-date with Current Events

Current affairs, including national and worldwide events, legal advancements, and general knowledge, are the subject of CLAT’s General Knowledge section. To keep current, make it a practice to read newspapers, watch news channels, and follow reputable websites. To ensure you are well-prepared for this phase, make notes of significant occurrences and review them frequently.

9. Time Management Drills and Mock Exams

Regularly take practice and mock examinations as you study for them to determine how well you are doing. Examine your performance to find areas that need improvement. Due to the CLAT exam’s stringent time restrictions, pay attention to time management. Practice answering questions in the allotted time to improve your speed and accuracy.

10. Seek Direction and Be Motivated

Enrolling in a reputed coaching program or seeking mentorship from knowledgeable people in CLAT preparation might be beneficial. Talk to others you know who are also getting ready for the CLAT so you can share knowledge and inspiration. Keep an optimistic attitude throughout preparation, have faith in your abilities, and exercise discipline.

11. Revise Ideas

If you start early, this is the moment to give your preparation its ultimate form. The concepts and any weak points found throughout the following three months must be reviewed again. Maintain a regular reading schedule and make sure to practice comprehension and speed. Work on any areas you have overlooked. Take topic exams to evaluate your knowledge and skills in each subject and topic.

12. Invest in Yourself

Many battles have been lost due to a lack of faith. The finest strategy must be developed, and one must never give up hope. Hard labor and the self-assurance to taste success are both necessary. Your skills and self-confidence are crucial for a competitive exam like the CLAT.

Your key to unlocking the doors of top National Law Universities will be a wise and comprehensive plan for the upcoming three months, including an exam strategy.

Also Read: How to Crack CLAT Exam 2025? Expert Tips & Full Guide

Major Tips for CLAT Preparation

  • Practice, practice, and more practice are required to ace reading comprehension tests.
  • Create the habit of reading every day.
  • Establish the practice of reading reputable publications, such as The Hindu, since this will improve your reading comprehension abilities.
  • Keep a separate notepad for each section. Take brief notes while studying.
  • Build and adhere to a strict schedule for yourself.
  • Maintain equilibrium by allowing enough time for restful sleep and nutritious eating.
  • If you want to be among the top CLAT scorers, eliminate every potential for procrastination.


CLAT is all about practice, solving papers, and theoretical study. Besides these, there are no other combinations for doing CLAT preparation. How to prepare for CLAT is the most common question for every candidate who aims to join NLUs to study law in different undergraduate and postgraduate courses. 

CLAT preparation must include dedication, hard work, and proper time management. Starting the preparation for CLAT gives the candidate an edge over the rest.

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