CLAT Quantitative Techniques

CLAT Quantitative Techniques 2025: Syllabus, Books, Tips, Full Guide

If you dream of being a successful law professional, you must target the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). It’s the highly competitive entrance exam the Consortium of NLUs (National Law Universities) takes. You can study law in India’s top most law colleges by securing a higher rank in CLAT.  As the calendar flips to 2025, the competitive spirit is set to soar. With it, a comprehensive understanding of each exam section becomes necessary. 

This blog gives a detailed roadmap of quantitative techniques for CLAT, including secret tips and the CLAT quantitative techniques syllabus.

Let’s start!

What is Quantitative Techniques for CLAT?

Quantitative Techniques for CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) is a section of the exam designed to assess a candidate’s numerical ability and mathematical skills. This section was introduced to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of candidates’ aptitude for legal studies and practice.

This section includes elementary mathematics questions based on data interpretation, graphical analysis, and basic numerical operations. The objective is to test the candidate’s ability to process numerical information, interpret data, and apply basic mathematical concepts in solving problems.

CLAT Quantitative Techniques Syllabus

To secure a top rank in CLAT, you must master the Quantitative Techniques part. It’s crucial to know the CLAT Quantitative Technique syllabus, discussed below. 

1. Data Interpretation:

This is a major component of the section. It involves interpreting information presented in various formats like tables, graphs (line, bar, pie charts), and other diagrammatic representations.

Questions may require candidates to calculate or estimate basic statistical measures like mean, median, mode, range, etc.

2. Arithmetic:

Basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Percentage calculations, ratios and proportions, averages, and simple interest and compound interest calculations.

3. Algebra:

Basic algebra including simplification of algebraic expressions, solving linear equations, and basic problems involving variables.

4. Number System:

Questions on number series, sequences, factors and multiples, and basic number properties.

5. Mensuration:

Basic geometry and mensuration questions involving areas and volumes of simple geometric shapes like squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, and cuboids.

6. Elementary Statistics:

Understanding of basic statistical concepts might be tested.

7. Real-life Application Problems:

Application of the above mathematical concepts to solve real-life problems, which could include problems related to time and work, speed and distance, etc.

Also Read: Most Important Topics for CLAT 2025 Exam to Revise Right Now

CLAT Quantitative Techniques Exam Pattern

ParticularsCLAT Quantitative Techniques Exam Pattern
Style of QuestionsPassages followed by MCQs
Number of Passages2-3 passages
Number of Questions10-14
Mark Carried by each Question1
Negative Marking0.25 per question

How to Prepare for the CLAT Quantitative Technique?  

Preparing for the Quantitative Techniques section in CLAT requires a focused approach, as it tests your numerical ability and data interpretation skills. 

1. Understand the Basics:

Start with a solid understanding of basic mathematical concepts. Refresh your knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and mensuration, typically up to the 10th-grade level.

2. Practice Data Interpretation:

Data interpretation is a crucial part of this section. Practice reading and interpreting different types of graphs, charts, and tables. Focus on extracting relevant information quickly and accurately.

3. Solve Previous Years’ Papers:

Attempting CLAT previous years’ papers will help you understand the pattern of questions and the level of difficulty. It also aids in identifying common types of questions.

4. Time Management:

Work on solving questions faster without compromising accuracy. Practice timed quizzes and tests to improve your speed.

5. Regular Practice with Mock Tests:

Taking regular CLAT mock tests will not only help you get accustomed to the exam pattern but also assist in managing time effectively during the actual exam.

6. Work on Weak Areas:

Identify areas where you struggle and focus more on those topics. This could be certain types of graphs in data interpretation or specific arithmetic topics.

7. Use Quality Study Materials:

Utilize good-quality CLAT study materials and books focused on preparation. Some books are specifically designed for the quantitative sections of law entrance exams.

8. Join Coaching or Online Courses:

Consider joining a CLAT coaching online or offline if you need structured guidance and regular practice.

9. Stay Updated with Syllabus:

Keep track of any changes in the CLAT syllabus or exam pattern from the official CLAT Consortium website.

10. Learn Shortcuts and Tricks:

For quicker calculations, learn and practice mathematical shortcuts and tricks. However, ensure that these methods are reliable.

11. Stay Consistent:

Consistency is key in CLAT preparation. Regular study and practice are crucial for mastering this section.

Also Read:  How To Prepare For CLAT Mathematics 2025 [Tips and Tricks]

Quantitative Techniques for CLAT Books

  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations (English) by RS Aggarwal
  • Data Interpretation by BSC Publications
  • Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M Tyra
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Pearson’s
CLAT Online Coaching (2025 & 2026)CLAT Study MaterialCLAT Mock Test


Quantitative Techniques holds roughly 10% of the total 120 marks in the exam and can make or break your dream. Acing the quantitative section requires a strategic approach and a profound grasp of mathematical concepts. This article discusses A to Z of CLAT Quantitative Techniques and some efficient tips.   

If you’re considering CLAT 2025, this is the right time to start your preparation. It’s a highly competitive exam. If you practice strategically, you can crack it 100 % and secure a high rank. All the best!

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